Sensory Quality of Apples

The final perceivable quality of apple is obviously one of the most important aspects (maybe the most important) to consider in breeding, selection and commercialization.

The rationale of this project is, on one side, to provide FEM with a cutting-edge sensory and consumer analysis of relevant apples cultivars and, on the other, to identify instrumental approaches able to rapidly and effectively monitor the quality of apple.

This study comprises:

  • The achievement of a state-of-the-art sensory profiling facility to be applied for apple investigation and comprehensive sensory description of apple cultivars of relevance for FEM by sensory profiling activities.

  • The identification consumers’ preference for different apple cultivars, its drivers and possible market sector by consumer studies.

  • The attainment of a comprehensive instrumental description of all apple samples investigated by sensory and consumer methods: basic characterization (chemical and physical parameters), texture analysis (both by mechanical and acoustic methods), volatile analysis (gas-chromatography; PTR-MS in collaboration with the FEM Volatile Compound Technological Platform).

  • The identification and validation of models for the prediction of sensory parameters on the basis of instrumental data.

  • The investigation of the effects of multisensory perception in the appreciation of apple fruits.

• Corollaro, M.L., Manfrini, L., Endrizzi, I., Aprea, E., Demattè, M.L., Charles, M., Bergamaschi, M., Biasioli, F., Zimbordi, M., Corelli Grappadelli, L., Gasperi, F. (2014). The effect of two light management practices on the sensory quality of apple: fruit thinning by shading or photo-selective nets. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 90(1), 99-107. link
• Endrizzi, I., Torri, L., Corollaro, M.L., Demattè, M.L., Aprea, E., Charles, M., Biasioli, F. and Gasperi, F. (2014). A conjoint study on apple acceptability: sensory characteristics and nutritional information. Food Quality and Preference, 40 (A), 39-48. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2014.08.007 link
• Demattè, M.L., Pojer, N., Endrizzi, I., Corollaro, M.L., Betta, E., Aprea, E., Charles, M., Biasioli, F., Zampini, M. & Gasperi, F. (2014). Effects of the sound of the bite on apple perceived crispness and hardness. Food Quality and Preferences, 38, 58-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2014.05.009 link
• Corollaro, ML, Aprea, E., Endrizzi, I., Betta, E., Demattè, M.L., Charles, M., Bergamaschi, M., Costa, F., Biasioli, F., Corelli Grappadelli, L., Gasperi, F. (2014). A combined sensory-instrumental tool for apple quality evaluation. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 96, 135-144. DOI: 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2014.05.016 link.
• Corollaro, M.L., Endrizzi, I., Bertolini, A., Aprea, E., Demattè, M.L., Costa, F., et al. (2013). Sensory profiling of apple: methodological aspects, cultivar characterisation and postharvest changes. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 77(1), 111-120. DOI: 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2012.10.010 linkTing, V., Soukoulis, C., Silcock, P., Cappellin, L., Romano, A., Aprea, E., et al. (2012). In-vitro and in-vivo flavour release from intact and fresh-cut apple in relation with genetic, textural and physicochemical parameters. Journal of Food Science, 77(11), C1226-C1233. DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2012.02947.x link
• Aprea, E., Corollaro, M.L., Betta, E., Endrizzi, I., Demattè, M.L., Biasioli, F., et al. (2012). Sensory and instrumental profiling of 18 apple cultivars to investigate the relation between perceived quality and odour and flavour. Food Research International, 49(2), 677-686. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2012.09.023 link

C O N T A c t u s

The Sensory Lab is on the ground floor of the Palazzo della Ricerca e della Conoscenza (PRC) of the Research and Innovation Centre (CRI) at the Edmund Mach Foundation.

Tel. +39 0461 615320 / +39 0461 6153188