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Eugenio Aprea


Sensory Quality Research Group

Food Quality and Nutrition Department

Research and Innovation Centre

Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM) Via E. Mach 1 - 38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN) Italy

PRC room 6025


Tel. +39 0461 615 388



Eugenio Aprea has graduated in Food Science and Technology (University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy) in 2000 and received his PhD in Physics at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) in 2005, specializing in trace gas analysis focused on food related topics and on environmental. In 2001, he won a three-years fellowship at the Istituto Agrario di S. Michele all’Adige (now Fondazione Edmund Mach) and started to study the volatile organic compounds release from food by means of mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) and sensory analysis.

In 2004, he was visiting researcher (Marie Curie) at the Nutrition and Food Biotechnology Centre at the University College of Cork (Ireland), studying the flavors release from food by model systems during food consumption (“nose-space” analysis). From 2004 to 2005, he was research assistant at the University of Innsbruck working on PTR-MS. In 2006, he has a 2 years postdoc position at Istituto Agrario di S. Michele all’Adige.

Since 2008, he has been researcher at Fondazione Edmund Mach contributing to set-up the GC systems for the metabolomic platform before joining the Sensory Quality research group in 2011.

Research Activities

He currently works on the characterization of food product properties related to sensory perceptions: volatile compounds, colour, texture, food composition. The main investigation tools are the GC-MS, direct injection mass spectrometry (PTR-Quad-MS and PTR-ToF-MS), electronic-eye and colorimeter, and texture analyzer.

His activity includes statistics and multivariate data analysis.

He co-authored 85 papers (64 with IF; August 2015), 11 book chapters and over 160 contributions at conferences. He is Editorial Board Member of “The Open Agriculture Journal” (since 2007), “Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture” (since 2008), and “Current Nutrition & Food Science” (since 2013).

Teaching Activities

2016: Lecturer for the course intitled "Approfondimenti di analisi sensoriale e descrittiva dei vini" (3rd Bachelor in Viticulture and Oenology, Fondazione Mach and University of Trento)

Academic Years 2014 and 2015: Lecturer of “Physics and Chemistry of Cooking” for the professional school of higher education “Higher Technician of Cooking and Refreshment Services” (ENAIP – Tione)

2013: Lecturer of "Sensory Analysis" for the PhD summer school of CORNUCOPIA program (course on oenology and wine yeasts)

Academic Year 2006/2007: Lab lecturer in practice classes for Sensory Analysis course (4 credits), Master of Viticulture and Oenology, University of Trento/Udine

C O N T A c t u s

The Sensory Lab is on the ground floor of the Palazzo della Ricerca e della Conoscenza (PRC) of the Research and Innovation Centre (CRI) at the Edmund Mach Foundation.

Tel. +39 0461 615320 / +39 0461 6153188